
Dominate the Blogosphere the Wired Way

While I was in the Detroit airport earlier this week, I picked up a copy of the current issue of Wired. August’s issue focused on a series of “How To’s”, one of them being “How to Rule the Blogosphere.” I was interested in reading what tips they had to offer, only to find out that their “Get a Boost in the Blogosphere” advice pertained to getting a popular comment on Digg or Slashdot. Wired’s advice consisted of the following:

  •  Be the first to comment. I can’t argue with this one. I don’t even know why people bother commenting on Digg stories if there are already over 50 comments–I don’t know about you, but I never bother to click through to read “51 of XX” comments. I’d go further and say you want to try and make comments rather than replies on Digg, seeing as how their new stupid comment system hides responses and requires you to click in order to display them. Before the new comment system was enabled, responses to comments typically got the most thumbs because they weren’t threaded; however, now that responses aren’t nearly as visible, original comments are more popular because they’re more visible.
  • Be clever/witty/funny. I’m not sure how well this advice helps people. You’re either a clever, witty, funny person or you’re not. I’ve seen plenty of comments by people who were the first to comment, but they got buried because they lack a funny bone.
  • Understand your audience. I read this blurb and chuckled: “Digg and Slashdot readers fancy themselves more sophisticated than the meatheads who tormented them in high school.” This may be true, but it’s like saying you’d rather eat a turd sandwich than a snot popsicle. Just because they’re more “sophisticated” than jocks, bullies, and lunkheads doesn’t mean they’ll be sitting down to polish their monocles and enjoy afternoon tea any time soon (as indicated by the rampant “I’d do Jessica Alba” and “Women belong in the kitchen” comments that get upmodded like crazy). Don’t get too clever here; after all, you are dealing with adolescent young males.
  • Provide more information about the topic. I’ve seen this work well in comments, but as Matt mentioned in a Whiteboard Friday Video about Digg tips, you don’t want to just drop a link to your site, even if it may be relevant. Include a few links that provide more information, and be careful not to cross-link to a similar story in the Upcoming section.

I did come across a Wired How To that actually did pertain to blogging: How to Make Your Blog Popular. Technorati’s David L. Sifry provided a list of five tips to help your blog crack the Technorati Top 100:

  • React quickly. I’d argue that this isn’t necessarily crucial. You don’t have to be the one to provide breaking news all the time if your coverage is unique and has an original angle/spin to it.
  • Make your posts readable. This is basic (but good) advice. Wired goes on to add that putting your key points in boldface (hey, like I’m doing) is helpful. We’ve discussed plenty of times in previous blog posts that it’s a good idea to break up text by using images, bullet points, numbered lists, concise paragraphs, charts, graphs, etc.
  • Link out. I can’t argue with this one. Links help your readers, fluff other bloggers’ egos, and attract traffic. Good times for all!
  • Keep SEO in mind. This point surprised me. David recommends putting your blog’s name in the URL and in the title tag, and to tag your blog with appropriate keywords in Technorati. Basic advice, I know, but I suppose it’s a start.
  • Post often. Again, basic advice, but it’s good advice nonetheless. Obviously, you can’t expect to have a kick-ass blog if you only post once in a blue moon.

Overall, I thought Wired’s blogging how to’s weren’t really that in-depth, which was disappointing. What kind of a How To has five one-sentence tips? I know I’m giving them a hard time, but although their advice was incredibly brief and very 101, I suppose it’s still nice to see Wired offer any sort of advice/coverage about how to be a better blogger, especially if it mentions optimizing your blog for search engines. Of course, if you really want a more in-depth How To for bad-assing your blog, might I recommend a certain stellar blog’s 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic post? I hear the author of this piece knows a thing or two about blogging…

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